From Users to Owners: DePINs and the Sharing Economy for Infrastructure

In the traditional model of infrastructure, roads, power grids, and internet connectivity are passively consumed. We rely on centralized authorities to build and maintain these systems, often with limited transparency or user participation. But what if there was a way to break free from this model and become active contributors? Imagine a world where you contribute…

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Predictions for the role of Additive Manufacturing in 2024

In 2023, global events coupled with the cost of living crisis have motivated manufacturers across a range of industries to re-think their centralised production models. We’ve seen more companies integrate technologies like additive manufacturing (AM) into their factory floor operations to work alongside traditional processes, enabling more immediate and cost-effective manufacturing on-demand – helping to meet…

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Is on-demand the future of manufacturing?

On-demand manufacturing is already a reality within industries where quick access to spare parts presents the opportunity to gain a potential competitive advantage. Sectors including rail, defence and automotive are leading the way, making the most of technologies like additive manufacturing (AM) in order to localise production by printing spares, tooling and products whenever and wherever…

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“Revolutionizing 3D Printing with AI: How Machine Learning Tools Are Transforming Product Design and Manufacturing”

With the ability to create custom objects quickly and efficiently, 3D printing has opened up a world of possibilities for designers and engineers. But what if we could take 3D printing a step further? What if we could use AI and other tools to make the process even more efficient and streamlined? In a world where…

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3D Printing from a First Principles Perspective

In the previous article of this series, we discussed the power of first principles thinking, which involves breaking down complex problems into their fundamental components to gain a deeper understanding and identify new solutions. In this article, we will explore how first principles thinking can be applied to the world of 3D printing to design more…

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The Power of First Principles Thinking

Many of the world's problems today result from not thinking for ourselves. We are accepting the status quo as normal and reason by analogy. That means, if we normally encounter difficult problems, our tendency is to rely on base level assumptions we have been told are true. We are doing things because it is like what…

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The Potential of NFTs for 3D Printing

As one of the main buzzwords in 2021 and fuelled by the rising interest of celebrities and tech evangelists, NFTs popularity exploded in the last year: With a market of  a stunishing $41 billion, the amount is approaching the total value of the entire global fine art market.  What is an NFT? An NFT (Non-fungible token)…

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The Promises of Web3

We are at the tipping point of a new phase in the web’s evolution, called by early pioneers as Web3. It's an umbrella term for various ideas all pointing in the direction of wiping out the giant middlemen on the internet. In a Web3 world, navigating the web no longer means logging into platforms like Facebook,…

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Fantastic Fungi

Mushrooms are fascinating organisms, they shape the world and offer lessons for how to live in it. Technically, mushrooms are neither plant nor animal but a third category: fungi. All mushrooms are fungi, but not all fungi are mushrooms. For those fungi that produce them, the mushroom plays a similar role to a flower or a…

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The Biological Revolution

You begin your day with a breakfast of synthetic toast and lab-grown cheese, a diet optimized to your own genetic preferences. You put on your biosynthetic coat made from fibers that can self-repair. You drive to work in a car that uses biofuels produced by microbes engineered using synthetic biology. The headphones you are using at work…

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